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HMS: OSCE Preceptors Needed

HMS and BWH are seeking volunteers from our clinical faculty to observe, evaluate, and provide feedback to medical students during upcoming Observed Structured Clinical Experience (OSCE) where 42 of our BWH HMS clerkship students will present bad news to a mock patient.  These OSCEs will occur on Tue, April 11 from 12pm to 3:30pm and Thu, April 13 from 12pm to 4:20pm at HMS.  An orientation to the OSCE will occur from 12pm-1pm and the 50-minute OSCEs will follow at 1pm, 1:50pm, 2:40pm, and 3:30pm thereafter. Faculty must have HMS appointment (clinical) to participate. Those interested and available in serving as an evaluator (for even a portion of the afternoon) should email Ms. Preeti Sharma at

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